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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 11:17:40Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
Zuletzt bearbeitet von KayaAiri um 3.11.2016 19:01 Windmain:

Opak: Fuegt 3 Leuten Schaden zu, loest 4er-COmbo aus, bricht Schilde und entfernt alle positiven Statuseffekte. (20 Chakra Verbrauch, 3 Runden Cooldown, einsetzbar in der ersten Runde)

Standardangriff: Loest mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit tiefes Schweben aus.

Verfolgung: Verfolgt hohes Schweben in Zurueckschlagen. Kann danach einmal einen zusaetzlichen Standardangriff ausfuehren.

Passive: Wenn jemand Chakra wiederherstellt, stellt dieser 10% Leben wieder her.

Passive: Falls der Windmain eine Verfolgung ausfuehrt, erhaelt man 15 Charka zurueck und der Ninjutsu-Wert wird um 6% erhoeht.

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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 11:24:30Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
Zuletzt bearbeitet von KayaAiri um 3.11.2016 18:30 Nachtklinge:

Opak: Fuegt einer Person Schaden zu, loest Paralyse und Markierung aus. Fuer den Fall, dass die angegriffene Person bereits markiert ist, wird der Cooldown der Opak der betroffenen Person um 1 Runde erhoeht. (20 Charka, 3 Runden Cooldown, einsetzbar in der ersten Runde)

Standardangriff: Heilt sich selber um 8%-16% des Ninjutus-Wertes als Leben, stellt dabei 20 Chakra wieder her, entfernt alle negativen Statuseffekte und macht sich immun gegen negative Statuseffekte (fuer 1 Runde).

Verfolgung: Verfolgt tiefes Schweben in zurueckschlagen.

Passive: Ab 20 Punkten Chakra, fuer jeden Punkt Chakra wird der Taijutsu Wert um 2% gesteigert.

Passive: Erhoeht den Taijutsu und Ninjutsu Wert des eigenen Teams um 20% fuer jeden toten Gegner.
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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 11:30:25Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
Zuletzt bearbeitet von KayaAiri um 3.11.2016 18:42 Steinerne Faust:

Opak: Erstellt fuer die Reihe der ausgewaehlten Person einen Schild basierend auf 50% des eigenen Widerstandes. Fuer jeden Ninja in der betroffenen Reihe erhaelt man ausserdem 20 Punkte Chakra. (0 Charkaverbrauch, 3 Runden Cooldown, absetzbar in der ersten Runde)

Standardangriff: Loest mit einer gewissen Wahrscheinlichkeit tiefes Schweben aus und greift die gesamte Reihe an, in der sich die betroffene Person befindet.

Verfolgung: Verfolgt Tiefes Schweben in Zurueckschlagen.

Passive: Falls der Main gerade einen Schild besitzt, wird der Auto-Angriff ersetzt. Der Angriff fuegt Wasser- und Erdschaden zu und loest aufjedenfall tiefes Schweben, sowie Einfrieren aus.

Passive: Falls der Erdmain auf dem Feld ist, wird die Combo-Rate jedes maennlichen Ninjas um 40% und der Taijutsu-Wert um 20% erhoeht.
Eine andere Passive wurde ausserdem ueberarbeitet: Erhoeht den Widerstand des eigenen Teams um 40% und die Verteidigung um 20%.
  • Mitglied seit: 2017-07-22
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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 11:35:55Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
Zuletzt bearbeitet von KayaAiri um 3.11.2016 18:53 Feuermain:

Opak: Erstellt fuer das eigene Team einen Schild basierend auf 20% des Widerstandes, entfernt alle negativen Statuseffekte und macht fuer 1 Runde immun gegen negative Statuseffekte. (0 Charkaverbrauch, 3 Runden Cooldown, einsetzbar ab der ersten Runde)

Standardangriff: Fuegt 4 Gegnern Schaden zu, und verursacht zu einer gewissen Wahrscheinlichkeit Verbrennen.

Verfolgung: Verfolgt zurueckgeschlagen und verursacht Fallen, und verursacht Blindheit.

Passive: Wenn der Feuermain auf dem Feld ist, wird der Ninjutsu-Wert des eigenen Teams um 15% erhoeht. Ausserdem erhaelt er 10% des Schadens als Leben zurueck, den er oder sein Team durch Ninjutsu-Angriffe verursachen.

Passive: Der Schaden auf Doppelgaenger, Tiere und Puppen wird um 50% erhoeht (sein eigener Schaden). Der Cooldown der Opak wird komplett zurueckgesetzt, falls die Opak einen Gegner toetet (sollte also auch fuer Doppelgaenger etc. gelten).

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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 11:42:01Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
Zuletzt bearbeitet von KayaAiri um 3.11.2016 12:23 Hoffe, ich konnte euch damit einen kleinen Eindruck verschaffen, was morgen auf uns zukommt in Punkto der neuen Faehigkeiten. Mein Chinesisch ist leider inzwischen etwas rusty...
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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 12:24:18Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
4th Mystery: Give your entire team a shield based on 20% of your resistance. Become immune to all debuffs until the end of the round, and disperse all debuffs.
Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 Rounds
Cooldown: 3 rounds
Chakra Consumption: 0
4th Standard: Attack 4 enemy members, chance of ignite.
4th Chase: Chase repulse, cause knockdown and blindness.
4th Passive 1: When main is on the field, increase current team’s ninjutsu by 15%, and when the main is attacked by a Taijutsu attack, gain 10% of life from the damage you take.
4th Passive 2: When the fire main’s mystery kills an enemy, clear the mystery cooldown, and increase damage done to summons, clones, and tailed beasts by 50%.

4th Mystery: Causes High Float to the selected enemy and clears all shields on the enemy as well as buffs.
Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 1 round
Cooldown: 2 rounds
Chakra Consumption: 20
4th Standard: Attack the front enemy with a high chance of high float, and deal damage to both the enemy and yourself based on your max HP.
4th Chase: Triggered by 10 hit combo, unleashes a 5-hit water wave on 2 enemies
4th Passive 1: Every time a unit dies, recover 15 chakra and gain 12% attack, activated at most 3 times per round. Also gives Water Main Sage mode.
4th Passive 2: Every time you are attacked, recover 3% health and gain 1% critical hit rate

4th Mystery: Hits 3 enemies and cause ninjutsu damage, 4 combo to the 3 enemies, removes all of your debuffs, and dispels all enemy shields and buffs.
Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2
Chakra Consumption: 20
4th Standard: High chance to cause low float
4th Chase: Chase high float into repulse, gain 1 extra standard attack
4th Passive 1: When you gain chakra, gain 10% of life.
4th Passive 2: When you activate the chase, gain 15 chakra points and raise 15% ninjutsu. Also gain Sage Mode.

4th Mystery: Attack selected enemy and cause taijutsu damage, paralyze and tag. If enemy is already tagged, reduce the mystery cooldown time by 1 round.
Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 rounds
Cooldown: 3 rounds
Chakra Consumption: 20
4th Standard: Heal yourself by 10% of your ninjutsu, and increase chakra by 20
4th Chase: Chase low float, cause repulse
4th Passive 1: Gain 2% taijutsu damage for every extra chakra point you have after 20. (For example, 30 chakra = 20% attack boost, 100 chakra = 160% attack boost i guess. Also this sounds fucking op)
4th Passive 2: For every dead enemy, increase your ninjutsu damage by 20%

4th Mystery: Give an ally a shield based on 50% of your resistance, and gain 20 chakra for every member in your row.
Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3
Chakra Consumption: 0
4th Standard: Attacks front row enemies with chance of low float
4th Chase: Chase low float, cause repulse
4th Passive 1: If you have a shield on your main character, his standard is replaced by an attack that causes earth and water damage; causes low float and immobile, activated once per turn
4th Passive 2: As long as this character is alive, increase combo rate by 40%, and increase the attack of all ninjas by 20% for every male ninja on your team.

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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 12:30:12Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
  • Jahur Gepostet am 2016-11-03 12:24:18
  • Fire:
    4th Mystery: Give your entire team a shield based on 20% of your resistance. Become immune to all debuffs until the end of the round, and disperse all debuffs.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 Rounds
    Cooldown: 3 rounds
    Chakra Consumption: 0
    4th Standard: Attack 4 enemy members, chance of ignite.
    4th Chase: Chase repulse, cause knockdown and blindness.
    4th Passive 1: When main is on the field, increase current team’s ninjutsu by 15%, and when the main is attacked by a Taijutsu attack, gain 10% of life from the damage you take.
    4th Passive 2: When the fire main’s mystery kills an enemy, clear the mystery cooldown, and increase damage done to summons, clones, and tailed beasts by 50%.

    4th Mystery: Causes High Float to the selected enemy and clears all shields on the enemy as well as buffs.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 1 round
    Cooldown: 2 rounds
    Chakra Consumption: 20
    4th Standard: Attack the front enemy with a high chance of high float, and deal damage to both the enemy and yourself based on your max HP.
    4th Chase: Triggered by 10 hit combo, unleashes a 5-hit water wave on 2 enemies
    4th Passive 1: Every time a unit dies, recover 15 chakra and gain 12% attack, activated at most 3 times per round. Also gives Water Main Sage mode.
    4th Passive 2: Every time you are attacked, recover 3% health and gain 1% critical hit rate

    4th Mystery: Hits 3 enemies and cause ninjutsu damage, 4 combo to the 3 enemies, removes all of your debuffs, and dispels all enemy shields and buffs.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 2
    Chakra Consumption: 20
    4th Standard: High chance to cause low float
    4th Chase: Chase high float into repulse, gain 1 extra standard attack
    4th Passive 1: When you gain chakra, gain 10% of life.
    4th Passive 2: When you activate the chase, gain 15 chakra points and raise 15% ninjutsu. Also gain Sage Mode.

    4th Mystery: Attack selected enemy and cause taijutsu damage, paralyze and tag. If enemy is already tagged, reduce the mystery cooldown time by 1 round.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 rounds
    Cooldown: 3 rounds
    Chakra Consumption: 20
    4th Standard: Heal yourself by 10% of your ninjutsu, and increase chakra by 20
    4th Chase: Chase low float, cause repulse
    4th Passive 1: Gain 2% taijutsu damage for every extra chakra point you have after 20. (For example, 30 chakra = 20% attack boost, 100 chakra = 160% attack boost i guess. Also this sounds fucking op)
    4th Passive 2: For every dead enemy, increase your ninjutsu damage by 20%

    4th Mystery: Give an ally a shield based on 50% of your resistance, and gain 20 chakra for every member in your row.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 3
    Chakra Consumption: 0
    4th Standard: Attacks front row enemies with chance of low float
    4th Chase: Chase low float, cause repulse
    4th Passive 1: If you have a shield on your main character, his standard is replaced by an attack that causes earth and water damage; causes low float and immobile, activated once per turn
    4th Passive 2: As long as this character is alive, increase combo rate by 40%, and increase the attack of all ninjas by 20% for every male ninja on your team.

Wow. You even translated the parts I found damn tricky. Good Job! :D
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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 12:53:50Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
4th Standard: Heal yourself by 10% of your ninjutsu, and increase chakra by 20

verstehe ich richtig das der blitzmain mit der attacke nicht mehr angreift sondern nur heilt ... oder greift er an + heilen ?
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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 13:16:05Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
  • DavLad Gepostet am 2016-11-03 12:53:50
  • 4th Standard: Heal yourself by 10% of your ninjutsu, and increase chakra by 20

    verstehe ich richtig das der blitzmain mit der attacke nicht mehr angreift sondern nur heilt ... oder greift er an + heilen ?
nur heilen und chakra
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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 14:58:44Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
  • KayaAiri Gepostet am 2016-11-03 12:30:12
  • Wow. You even translated the parts I found damn tricky. Good Job! :D
erd-opake mit 20 chakra is richtig allerdings halt für jeden in einer reihe also bis zu 60 chakra
x - ninja - x
x - ninja - x
x - erde - x
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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 15:47:08Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
  • Jahur Gepostet am 2016-11-03 12:24:18
  • Fire:
    4th Mystery: Give your entire team a shield based on 20% of your resistance. Become immune to all debuffs until the end of the round, and disperse all debuffs.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 Rounds
    Cooldown: 3 rounds
    Chakra Consumption: 0
    4th Standard: Attack 4 enemy members, chance of ignite.
    4th Chase: Chase repulse, cause knockdown and blindness.
    4th Passive 1: When main is on the field, increase current team’s ninjutsu by 15%, and when the main is attacked by a Taijutsu attack, gain 10% of life from the damage you take.
    4th Passive 2: When the fire main’s mystery kills an enemy, clear the mystery cooldown, and increase damage done to summons, clones, and tailed beasts by 50%.

    4th Mystery: Causes High Float to the selected enemy and clears all shields on the enemy as well as buffs.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 1 round
    Cooldown: 2 rounds
    Chakra Consumption: 20
    4th Standard: Attack the front enemy with a high chance of high float, and deal damage to both the enemy and yourself based on your max HP.
    4th Chase: Triggered by 10 hit combo, unleashes a 5-hit water wave on 2 enemies
    4th Passive 1: Every time a unit dies, recover 15 chakra and gain 12% attack, activated at most 3 times per round. Also gives Water Main Sage mode.
    4th Passive 2: Every time you are attacked, recover 3% health and gain 1% critical hit rate

    4th Mystery: Hits 3 enemies and cause ninjutsu damage, 4 combo to the 3 enemies, removes all of your debuffs, and dispels all enemy shields and buffs.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 2
    Chakra Consumption: 20
    4th Standard: High chance to cause low float
    4th Chase: Chase high float into repulse, gain 1 extra standard attack
    4th Passive 1: When you gain chakra, gain 10% of life.
    4th Passive 2: When you activate the chase, gain 15 chakra points and raise 15% ninjutsu. Also gain Sage Mode.

    4th Mystery: Attack selected enemy and cause taijutsu damage, paralyze and tag. If enemy is already tagged, reduce the mystery cooldown time by 1 round.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 rounds
    Cooldown: 3 rounds
    Chakra Consumption: 20
    4th Standard: Heal yourself by 10% of your ninjutsu, and increase chakra by 20
    4th Chase: Chase low float, cause repulse
    4th Passive 1: Gain 2% taijutsu damage for every extra chakra point you have after 20. (For example, 30 chakra = 20% attack boost, 100 chakra = 160% attack boost i guess. Also this sounds fucking op)
    4th Passive 2: For every dead enemy, increase your ninjutsu damage by 20%

    4th Mystery: Give an ally a shield based on 50% of your resistance, and gain 20 chakra for every member in your row.
    Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0
    Cooldown: 3
    Chakra Consumption: 0
    4th Standard: Attacks front row enemies with chance of low float
    4th Chase: Chase low float, cause repulse
    4th Passive 1: If you have a shield on your main character, his standard is replaced by an attack that causes earth and water damage; causes low float and immobile, activated once per turn
    4th Passive 2: As long as this character is alive, increase combo rate by 40%, and increase the attack of all ninjas by 20% for every male ninja on your team.

Thx bro #LoL:victory::handshake
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Gepostet am 2016-11-03 18:56:09Nur Beiträge dieses Autors
So, ich habe die Sachen, bei denen ich bisher unsicher war, nocheinmal ueberarbeitet (mit einem chinesischen Kumpel).
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