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[ Allgemeine Diskussionen ] Ex-US Moderator wettert gegen Oasis


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Gepostet am 2017-03-28 00:21:26Alle Beiträge
  • S:39 Maximus Gepostet am 2017-03-27 13:33:29
  • Ich kann euch versichern, dass bei uns im Hintergrund nichts eskaliert. Die Aussagen von meinem ehemaligen Kollegen sind teilweise an den Haaren herbeigeholt, überspitzt oder falsch interpretiert. Sicherlich hat jeder seine eigene Meinung. Ich kann euch aber versichern (und das mach ich jetzt aus persönlicher Sicht und nicht weil ich Moderator bin), dass wir hier niemanden verarschen wollen. Sicherlich wollen alle Unternehmen auch Geld verdienen, allerdings ist die allgemeine Kundenmeinung auch uns nicht egal. Immerhin wollen wir alle, dass das Spiel noch länger bestehen bleibt und der Masse Spaß macht. :)
    Soviel ich weiß hat dieser Ari Oasis-US erpresst, wobei er 20.000 CPS pro Woche haben wollte und meinte, falls sie der Forderung nicht nachkommen, würde er ein Video veröffentlichen, dass Oasis verunglimpft.
    Schwarze Schafe gibt es leider überall. Bitte glaubt nicht alles, was man euch vorsetzt. :) Manche Menschen wollen tatsächlich nur die Welt brennen sehen, wenn es nicht nach ihrer Pfeife geht.
Hello Maximus,

Firstly, let me state that I was not your former colleague. I have never spoken to you, nor has any other EN Employee. DE is its own entity. It even has its own Oasis team ( Which, trust me, you should be happy for! ).

Secondly, Everything I said was accurate and I showed proof of such live on the stream. The tactics EN Oasis is taking by saying that I was lying, exaggerating, or misrepresenting, is a foolish endeavor. Don't be like them, it will make things worse. As you said your self, "As far as you know". You unfortunately did not get the whole message, and you have bosses.

I did not intend for this to even get as big as it did. Nor did I expect it to effect other versions of the game. I have the utmost respect for DE-Naruto Online, I have posted her before, I am subscribed to DE Content creators, I even look to your players for different builds with the newer functions we did not have yet.

But, let me be actually clear... I did not lie. I got fed up with what was going on. It was childish to be angry, but human beings can only take so much. I did not extort Oasis for 20k cps a week. I was a Moderator since Day 1 of EN Naruto Online. I then got promoted to VIP Liason, and my job was to gather feedback from heavy spenders and share that information with the developers. I sent reports every week ( sometimes I would send 1 report covering 2 weeks, if my real life work schedule was busy ).

Michael, the EN Naruto Operations lead, asked me to delete the video. I told him there is no reason to, then he asked me what I want. I posted many things the players wanted, then, I told him to give me 200k coupons as well to delete the video. This came after 15+ things I listed for the players, and it was a package deal, and really, I only did it to show that I was serious. I would have taken the coupons, don't get me wrong, I am human, but my priority has been, and always was the truth and the players. I even showed proof of my arguing with developers as far back as August of last year, to make events better for players.

Anyway, It sucks that I got banned, and it really was the wrong thing for them to do. However, honestly, if it helps get things changed for the players.... It was worth it.
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Gepostet am 2017-03-28 00:41:31Alle Beiträge
  • DrittePerson Gepostet am 2017-03-28 00:34:05
  • Sup Ari, have you heard about our Tsunade Hokage bug? You could basically get her for 5 $ and we're still waiting for an official Oasis response :) After 5 days ... So yeah, our Oasis team doesn't consist of angels either.
I had heard about it. That is pretty crazy. At first I thought it was a pretty good bug to get!, but after thinking about it.... Having everyone with Tsunade Hokage is pretty bad. She is rather powerful, and it will throw off a lot of the game balance.

In your teams defense, I don't think they know what to do. Their options are rather limited. They can Rollback before the events, but that effects recharges and makes people lose a lot of time played. They can take away all the Tsunade's, but that won't go over too well either. They can let people keep them, but as I said, it will undoubtably negatively effect the game balance.

I am not quite sure what even I would do if I was in their position. But, I would have at least made a post about it by now :-P
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Gepostet am 2017-03-28 00:53:38Alle Beiträge
  • Hmmmmmm Gepostet am 2017-03-28 00:42:41
  • Hi Aris,

    I just can't get one thing: You complain about rigged events and 'evil' EN Oasis Games Team, but you were a part of it awhile. As you approved, they sent you Naruto Six Tails and you didn't say 'No'. Why you played with them by their rules then, but now take it as a part of you argumentation?
    Also your move, as they banned you, would be much more significant if you hadn't have tell the thing with 200k coupons.
    The one thing you have reached with your initiative is getting the community more angry to the Oasis team instead of really improve their communication.
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Gepostet am 2017-03-28 00:57:49Alle Beiträge
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Gepostet am 2017-03-28 14:24:41Alle Beiträge
  • Gepostet am 2017-03-28 11:28:01
  • So I've been watching your video and reading through some (not all) of the posts. I am one of the numerous server coordinators we have in Germany and I don't know if you have a similar "rank" in the EN version so I would like to start by explaining the position we have. We are basically there to help players reach the support quicker, report severe bugs immediately and (if we can) help players fix an issue without them having to send in a ticket. For this purpose, we have a similar QQ group you guys apparently use in your version. Thanks to your video, some people in the DE version seem to be under the impression that we get coupons shoved up our various orifices left, right, top and bottom, which is not the case. I do not know if the amounts you claimed you received are true or not, as I do not know how your position and/or your recompensations differ from the ones we have, but at this point I would just like to say that, while we do get some recompensation, it is significantly less than what you say you get in your video. I also have not seen, nor heard of anybody from the DE team receiving free ninjas or anything of the sort. I do realize that you never claimed to know anything about the DE team, but I just wanted to make that clear. Now let's move on to some of the things you DO claim in your video. Again, I don't know how much of the stuff you say is true for the EN version, but I do want to clear some things up for the DE version.
    1. People who try to figure out how often you have to draw from the various chests in order to get certain rare ninjas get their videos removed / posts deleted.

    This couldn't be further from the truth. We have several people who work up tables for the rare pulls and such with each new chest that comes out and they usually get helped by the people in the group. I have never seen any one of them being sabotaged in any way by any of the Oasis people.

    2. Feedback on the forums gets ignored even though staff claim they are taking it into consideration.

    Again, this isn't true. We frequently discuss player feedback in the group, sometimes with the support staff, sometimes with the devs. We (the coordinators) are actually frequently encouraged to tell the Oasis team about ideas the players give us. I actually did a quick search in our group and found this post from somebody from the Oasis team from a few weeks ago:

    (transl.: we frequently get lots of feedback via the forums, customer support and last but not least from you guys. If the community has ideas, we love to hear about them)

    Oasis always try to accommodate players' wishes but what you have to understand is that there is only so much they can change from version to version and such changes take time. One example that comes to mind from the DE version are the chase missions. A long while ago (I'm not sure but I think it was around June or July 2016) we used to have daily chase missions where you could get fragments for regular ninjas three times a day. The players got bored of this and said they would rather have them less frequently and the team changed it so that we only had the chase missions on the weekends. The players then complained that the available ninjas weren't rare enough for the chase missions to be worth it, especially given that they were now so infrequent. Again, they got changed so that you can now get rarer ninjas. This is just one example, but I'm sure if I think about it I could come up with several more. Anyway, my point is: If the things the players want are at all possible (and feesible), they do get done. It's not like the Oasis team sit there sniggering about the foolish player base's ideas while implementing the exact opposite of what players want.

    3. Top players (those who spend the most money) get "interrogated"

    JohnTaylor, who is currently ranked 1 in the DE version is in my guild and uses our guild teamspeak on a daily basis. He has never mentioned being approached by anyone from Oasis and I imagine it would make him laugh pretty hard if they did. Neither have I ever been asked to "interrogate" him by any of the Oasis team. Again, I don't know how EN handles it, but the notion that Oasis is somehow trying to use these kinds of ninja tactics to get the top spenders to spend more is, quite frankly, laughable.

    4. Events are rigged so only certain players can get certain ninjas

    I admittedly don't know much about programming or coding, but I imagine it would be quite hard to somehow rig rng events so that only certain people will get the top rewards. I'm also reasonably sure that it would coast Oasis more money in work hours to come up with such a system than it's worth. As for events where certain prizes are only available a certain number of times per day or so: Whenever this was the case, it was clearly stated in the event rules. (e. g. only the person making the most points in the time between x and y will receive Ninja z). I do not see how they would profit from locking certain prizes behind some kind of invisible time / number lock. Ninjas do not cost them anything and people who want certain event ninjas will spend money on them either way, no matter how often they see other people winning that ninja. In fact, I am pretty sure that people would be more inclined to spend money on certain events if they see many people winning the best prizes as opposed to only one or two per day. After all, the higher you think your chances of drawing the prize are, the more willing to spend you are.

    5. Personal attacks against certain employees

    Not really a statement, but still. If you were unsatisfied with how Oasis handles things or were trying to help the players get what they want, you could have tried to communicate this in a comprehensive, constructive video. Instead, you chose to throw a hissy fit like a five year old, insulting people who are trying to do their jobs and have no real way of defending themselves. Regardless of whether or not any of the things you say have merit, this alone shows that people should not trust you. You are a disrespectful child who didn't get his way and now you're throwing a tantrum, trying to ruin as many people's reputations as possible in the process. I haven't talked to more than one or two people from the EN team, but I did work with Dias on a recent beta test and I can only hope that he doesn't take anything you say about him seriously. He was pleasant, patient and friendly throughout the entire week we worked with him and I'd be happy to have him on the DE team.

    In conclusion: stop ruining the game for people who still enjoy it, stop defaming Oasis and move on. You are doing nothing but disrupting the community (and not just your own, but also ours at this point) and causing people unnecessary work. Move on.

My claims were all directly related to what I knew to be true, which was the EN Side of things. I don't know anything about DE staffers, nor would I make such accusations.

On EN, if someone posts tables or draw information, they censor it. Not so much anymore, but previously, it was really really bad. I once got in big trouble for giving out the Tendo Super Rare Draw totals to players back when I was a moderator.

As far as Feedback, you can discuss things all day long. We have Game Liasons ( Seems to be what you call Server Coordinators ) who give detailed reports every week. We have the inner staff ( Moderators, Myself, and Devs ) that discuss the things, but most of the discussion falls on deaf ears. Even when your feedback would greatly improve sales, such as in the Fishing events that are just... the worst things ever, it changes nothing.

So you are left with 2 logical conclusions:

1: They don't care at all.
2: They can't change anything, in which case there is no point to having the conversations, and feedback in the first place.

As far as Top Players getting interrogated, I did not make that claim. Another Youtuber said that Game Liasons were going to people asking them personal information, such as what they did for a living. I know nothing of that, however it was my job specifically to get feedback for heavy cashers. For the most part I left the #1-10 players alone, because they are probably going to buy whatever is new anyway, and I never asked any interrogation style questions.

Events being rigged... Well, its true. The game was designed that way from the beginning, and what we are getting are old CN versions of events. I posted the conversation I had proving that it was true. Additionally, they make more money a number of ways.

Events are gated to provide added bonus chance to lower spenders. This makes lower spenders feel like there ingots are worth a lot, making them top up more. It also makes higher spenders see the pulls, which are broadcast for the entire server, and creates jealousy. I find it hard to believe that as long as DE has been operating, you haven't noticed that pattern.

As for personal attacks...

I find it extremely ironic that you give me advice about what I "should have done" then you personally attack me as well. Whatever the german version of the pot calling the kettle black is...

You are a Server Coordinator. You are so far removed from the inner circle that you have no idea what goes on. That QQ chat your in, has what, 50 people? 100? Well, guess what? There is another one with 10 people, 5 of them being developers. That is where the real conversations are had.

Myself, on the other hand, have been at the top of EN for nearly a year. I have poured hours and hours of my life into trying to improve the game, often times ending in arguments because the developers honestly have no business sense what so ever. I proved on the stream that they think players are happy, when there are hundreds of posts every day about people being unhappy. They don't read the forums. They don't listen to the feedback provided by the 300 or so "Server coordinators" we have, they don't listen to the Moderators, they don't listen to super mods. It is like pulling teeth to get change. Simple things like posting events more then 2 hours before maintance, or making posts that aren't generic copy and pasted boilerplate garbage people see through. Making a constructive video wouldn't have changed the result.

You may not like me, and I can certainly be a ***hole a lot of the time, which is fine. But if you want to sit here and tell these German players that everything is fine... Well, that isn't working very well for Oasis right now. Denying, ignoring, placating aren't going to fix the problems. Addressing them will. As I said previously, I am 100% fine with being banned. If it even enacts a SLIGHT bit of change it was all worth it.

The word Defame means to damage the "Good reputation". That isn't what Oasis has. I am sorry that I am disrupting your community, but people were upset long before I came here. I didn't have anything to do with DE, and yet there were 20 pages on this thread before I even posted, after making a video about a entirely different version of the game. If you think people here are happy... You are delusional.

Finally, the worst thing Oasis did was ban my personal account for posting a video on youtube they didn't like. They could have gotten over the other stuff, gotten ahead of the video response, posted about every issue people had, and moved forward. Instead, what they gave the players was validation in my ban. Instead, they chose to deny everything even after multitudes of proof were shown live on stream. Now, we have dozens of players charging back thousands of dollars a day. The total, just from what I have heard from personal messages, is over 100,000$. Likely to be much, much more now that other popular youtubers are doing the same thing and making videos about it. That is a costly lesson to learn. All they had to do was listen to players, and respond like human beings would.

If Oasis was such a good company, would any of this be happening? Do you really think me and my 1000 subscribers had the power to make this happen?
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