Also, wenn ich mich recht entsinne, war Hanabi die richtige Antwort, also vom Quiz ausgehend. Und Hanabi war schon lange vor dem Ende von Shippuden als Erbin vorgesehen.
Ich weiß nicht ob es auch im Manga in einer Weise vorkommt, aber im Anime war es definitiv vorhanden:
"In the anime, during sparring sessions between Hanabi and her sister, Hanabi's talent began to shine, amazing everyone by being about on par with her older sister despite their age difference. Later, as Hinata's progress began to be questioned, their grandfather suggested training Hanabi to be the heiress, and ultimately, a duel was held between Hanabi and Hinata to decide the future of their clan. While Hinata found an opening to win the fight, she hesitated to strike down her sister, allowing Hanabi to counter-attack and win the duel, much to Hanabi's distaste at hurting her sister."
-Naruto: Shippūden episode 389
"Ultimately, as Hanabi showed more talent and confidence than her elder sister Hinata, their father decided to make Hanabi the heiress to the clan, and focused his gruelling training regime on her instead of her sister, whose training he considered to be a waste of time."
-First Databook, page 110
-Naruto chapter 78, page 10
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