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[ Bekanntmachungen ] Serverwartung & Aktionen 05.01.2023


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  • Mitglied seit: 2017-07-22
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Gepostet am 2023-01-04 13:22:26Alle Beiträge

Main Charaktere Skill Updates:


Mystery 3 (vorher): Heals all units in your lineup based on 15% of Azure Fang's base Ninjutsu stat and cancels all Debuffs. Units healed by this skill will become immune to Debuffs until the end of the round. Additionally whenever units healed by this skill are attacked in that round, that unit will recover 1% HP. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 3 Chakra : 0

Mystery 3 (neu): Heals all units in the selected lineup based on 15% of Azure Fang's base Ninjutsu stat and cancels all Debuffs. Units healed by this skill will become immune to Debuffs until the end of the round. Additionally whenever units healed by this skill are attacked in that round, that unit will recover 1% HP. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 3 Chakra : 0

Cultivated Standard 2 (vorher): Heals 2 ninjas with the lowest HP in your lineup with 25% healing rate increased and cancels all Debuffs.

Cultivated Standard 2 (neu): Heals 2 ninjas with the lowest HP in your lineup with 25% healing rate increased and cancels all Debuffs. If Azure Fang's HP is below 60%, this skill changes to: Heals all ninjas in your lineup with 25% healing rate increased, removes all types of Ignition and cancels all Debuffs.

Passive 2-1 (vorher): At the beginning of round 1 and 5, summons a Water Clone with 60% of Azure Fang's base stats that uses Standard 2. If the Water Clone is defeated, recovers 30 Chakra.

Passive 2-1 (neu): Before Azure Fang executes a Mystery, summons a Water Clone with 60% of Azure Fang's base stats that uses Standard 2. If the Water Clone is defeated, recovers 30 Chakra.

Cultivated Passive 2-3 (vorher): At the beginning of every round, causes a small amount of damage to herself to cancels all of her Debuffs, increases Ninjutsu and Critical Rate by 10% while reduces her Mystery cooldown by 1 (can be reduced to 1 minimum). This skill is still active even when Azure Fang is controlled.

Cultivated Passive 2-3 (neu): Before the first action each round, causes a small amount of damage to herself to cancels all of her Debuffs, receives an Extra Standard Attack and reduces her Mystery cooldown by 1. Additionally all units in your lineup will have their Critical Rate increased by 10% (stackable) and all types of Ignition removed.

Passive 2-4 (vorher): Azure Fang has high chances of evading Chase attacks. Whenever she successfully evades an attack, recovers 5% HP.

Passive 2-4 (neu): Azure Fang has high chances of evading Chase attacks. Whenever she successfully evades an attack, recovers 5% HP and 10 Chakra.


Cultivated Mystery 1 (vorher): Deals Wind and Fire damage, Ignition and Blindness to up to 2 units in the opponent's lineup. If there's 2 or more Shadow Clones in your lineup, additionally reduces her Mystery Cooldown by 1. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 2 Chakra : 20

Cultivated Mystery 1 (neu): Deals Wind and Fire damage, Ignition and Blindness to up to 2 units in the opponent's lineup. If there's 2 or more Shadow Clones in your lineup, causes Irremovable Ignition and Irremovable Blindness which neglect Immunity instead. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 2 Chakra : 20

Mystery 4 (vorher): Deals damage and 8 Combo to up to 3 units in the opponent's lineup and cancels all Buffs and Shields. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 2 Chakra : 0

Mystery 4 (neu): Deals unavoidable damage and 8 Combo to up to 3 units in the opponent's lineup and cancels all Buffs and Shields. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 2 Chakra : 0

Passive 1-1 (vorher): At the beginning of battle, cancels all Debuffs on herself and 1 random Female ninja in your lineup, becomes immune to Debuffs and cannot be defeated by Standard attacks. Lasts for 2 rounds and cannot be cancelled.

Passive 1-1 (neu): At the beginning of every round, herself and 1 random Female ninja in your lineup will have all Debuffs cancelled, become immune to Debuffs that cannot be removed and cannot be defeated by Standard attacks.

Passive 1-2 (vorher): At the beginning of the battle, all units in the same row as Breeze Dancer will have their Ninjutsu and Resistance increased by 40% for 5 rounds. -Passive 1-2 (neu): At the beginning of the battle, all units in the same row as Breeze Dancer will receive Ninjutsu Dance for 3 rounds. Whenever units under Ninjutsu Dance cause Ninjutsu damage, increase their Ninjutsu and Resistance by 7% (stackable).


Cultivated Mystery 2 (vorher): Deals Lightning and Wind damage neglecting Shields to up to 7 units in the opponent's field. The selected unit will suffer from Paralysis for 1 round and Knockdown. If the opponent's lineup has 0 Chakra, increase this skill's damage by 50%. Battlefield cooldown : 1 Mystery cooldown : 2 Chakra : 40

Cultivated Mystery 2 (neu): Deals Lightning and Wind damage neglecting Shields to up to 7 units in the opponent's field. The selected unit will suffer from Paralysis for 1 round and Knockdown. If the opponent's lineup has 0 Chakra, the selected unit will additionally have their Mystery Cooldown increased by 1. Battlefield cooldown : 1 Mystery cooldown : 2 Chakra : 40

Mystery 4 (vorher): Causes Lightning damage, Tag and Paralysis to the selected unit. If your lineup's Chakra is above 70, this skill does not consume Chakra and does not enter Cooldown. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 3 Chakra : 20

Mystery 4 (neu): Causes Lightning damage, Tag and Paralysis to the selected unit. If your lineup's Chakra is above 50, causes Irremovable Tag and Irremovable Paralysis which neglect Immunity instead. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 3 Chakra : 20

Passive 2-1 (vorher): At the beginning of round 1, 4 and 7, summons a Lightning Clone with 45% of Midnight Blade's base stats that uses Standard 3.

Passive 2-1 (neu): Before Midnight Blade executes a Mystery, summons a Lightning Clone with 45% of Midnight Blade's base stats that uses Standard 4.

Cultivated Passive 2-1 (vorher): At the beginning of round 1, 4 and 7, summons a Lightning Clone with 45% of Midnight Blade's base stats that uses Cultivated Standard 3 and whenever it triggers its Standard Attack, reduce Midnight Blade's Mystery Cooldown by 2.

Cultivated Passive 2-1 (neu): Before Midnight Blade executes a Mystery, summons a Lightning Clone with 45% of Midnight Blade's base stats that uses Standard 4 and whenever it triggers its Standard Attack, reduce Midnight Blade's Mystery Cooldown by 2.


Cultivated Mystery 1 (vorher): Deals Earth damage, Ignition and Interruption to up to 2 units in the opponent's lineup. If there's an Oboro Clone in your lineup, reduces his own Mystery Cooldown by 1. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 2 Chakra : 20

Cultivated Mystery 1 (neu): Deals Earth damage, Ignition and Interruption to up to 2 units in the opponent's lineup. If there's an Oboro Clone in your lineup, units hit will have their Mystery Cooldown increased by 1 instead of Ignition. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 2 Chakra : 20

Mystery 4 (vorher): All units in the selected ally lineup will have all Debuffs cancelled, become Immune to Debuffs until the end of the round and receive a Shield base on 20% of Scarlet Blaze's base Resistance stat. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 3 Chakra : 0

Mystery 4 (neu): All units in the selected ally lineup will have all Debuffs cancelled, become Immune to Debuffs until the end of the round and receive a Shield base on 20% of Scarlet Blaze's base Resistance stat. Additionally Scarlet Blaze receives Super Armor until the end of the round. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Mystery cooldown : 3 Chakra : 0

Passive 2-1 (vorher): At the beginning of round 1, 4 and 7, summons an Oboro Clone with 45% of Scarlet's base stats and has a high chance of evading Mystery skills. Whenever it executes its Standard Attack, Scarlet Blaze receives an Extra Standard Attack.

Passive 2-1 (neu): Before Scarlet executes a Mystery, summons an Oboro Clone with 45% of Scarlet's base stats and has a high chance of evading Mystery skills. Whenever the Oboro Clone is summoned, immediately executes Mystery 4. Whenever it executes its Standard Attack, Scarlet Blaze will have his Mystery Cooldown reduced by 1.

Passive 2-4 (vorher): Before the first action of a round, cancels all of his Debuffs and becomes immune to Debuffs until the end of the round. After Scarlet Blaze's first action of the round, ninjas in your lineup will have their Ninjutsu increased by 4% (stackable) whenever they cause Ninjutsu damage.

Passive 2-4 (nachher): At the beginning of every round, cancels all of his Debuffs, becomes immune to Debuffs until the end of the round and all units in your lineup will receive Exceptional Power until the end of the round. Whenever units under Exceptional Power cause Ninjutsu damage, increase their Ninjutsu by 4% (stackable). (change of description, still work the same way)

Erdmain bekommt keinerlei Änderung!!!

  • Mitglied seit: 2017-07-22
  • Beiträge: 103
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Gepostet am 2023-01-04 13:26:58Alle Beiträge

neuster Ninja Gai (Tor des Todes)


so sieht die Animation auf der map aus


Kampfanimationen Opak und Passiv


  • Mitglied seit: 2017-07-22
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Gepostet am 2023-01-06 10:05:22Alle Beiträge

ist ja auch nett dass 3vs3 mit Asuma (Sommer) nicht mal mehr verkündet wird, weil die Kommunikation von den admins zu unseren Forenmods mangelhaft ist.

  • Mitglied seit: 2017-07-22
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Gepostet am 2023-01-11 09:55:11Alle Beiträge

mal wieder sind gestern auf den CN Servern die Mains angepasst worden. Erneut hat es keinerlei Änderung beim Erdmain und diesmal auch keine beim Wassermain gegeben, jedoch komplette Veränderungen der Fähigkeiten beim Blitzmain, Feuermain und Windmain!

Skill update to Main Characters:

1. Midnight Blade:

Chase 2 (before): Chases and Attacks a High Floated unit, cause Low Float, 10 Combo and Paralysis.

Chase 2 (after): Chases and Attacks a High Floated unit, cause Low Float, 10 Combo and Paralysis. This skill never misses.

Passive 1-2 (before): At the beginning of battle, increases 40% Attack and Critical Rate to all Sword Users ninjas in your lineup (can be cancelled). Moreover, when those ninjas defeat the enemy with their Mystery skill, resets the Mystery cooldown to 0 (cannot be cancelled), lasts for 3 rounds.

Passive 1-2 (after): While Midnight Blade is alive, all Sword user ninjas in your lineup will have their Critical Rate increased by 15% and their Standard Attack damage increased by 20%.

2. Breeze Dancer:

Chase 1 (before): Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown. Can be triggered twice each round.

Chase 1 (after): Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown. This skill has additional Critical Rate increased and can be triggered twice each round.

Passive 1-2 (before): At the beginning of the battle, all units in the same row as Breeze Dancer will receive Ninjutsu Dance for 3 rounds. Whenever units under Ninjutsu Dance cause Ninjutsu damage, increase their Ninjutsu and Resistance by 7% (stackable).

Passive 1-2 (after): While Breeze Dancer is alive, all units in your lineup will have their Chase damage increased by 20% and every time they execute a Chase attack, increase that unit's Ninjutsu by 6% (stackable).

3. Scarlet Blaze:

Standard 4 (before): Attacks up to 4 units in the lineup in front with a chance of causing Ignition.

Standard 4 (after): Attacks 4-6 units in the lineup in front with a chance of causing Ignition. This skill has additional Critical Rate increased.

Passive 1-1 (before): At the beginning of battle, increase 40% Ninjutsu and Combo Rate to all Secret Jutsu ninjas in your lineup (can be cancelled). Moreover, when those ninjas defeat the enemy with their Mystery skill, resets the Mystery cooldown to 0 (cannot be cancelled), lasts for 3 rounds.

Passive 1-1 (after): While Scarlet Blaze is alive, all Secret Jutsu user ninjas in your lineup will have their Combo Rate increased by 40% and their Mystery damage increased by 20%.

Passive 1-2 (before): While Scarlet Blaze is alive, the first Debuff your lineup received every round will be transferred to a random unit in the opponent's lineup.

Passive 1-2 (after): While Scarlet Blaze is alive, each ninja in your lineup will have the first Debuff received each round cancelled to increase that unit's Initiative by 2% (not stackable) until the end of the next round or until that unit executes their Mystery skill.

Zuletzt von YamataHanzan am 2023-01-11 09:57:46 bearbeitet
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