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2025-03-08 16:29:36
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Wochenendaktion Würfelkönig und Furkumarus Geschenke
was soll der Mist nun mit einer Rotation, dass diese beide aktion nun alle 14 Tage an den Wochenenden statt finden?
2024-12-14 12:00:10
Ninjas und sonstiges was noch kommen wird (Update 06.03.2025)
Chino Chinoike [Sasuke Shinden] -Mystery: Activates the Valley of Hell Barrier, all units in your lineup become immune to Death from Standard Attacks in that round, then causes Interruption and Trauma to the selected unit. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Cooldown : 3 Chakra : 20 -Standard: Cancels your lineup's Discouragement, then generates a Shield based on 8% of Chino's base Resistance stat to them. If the Valley of Hell Barrier has been activated in the round, this skill is enhanced. -Enhanced Standard: Cancels your lineup's Discouragement, then generates a Shield based on 12% of Chino's base Resistance stat to them. If the Valley of Hell Barrier is active, before the first action in a round, additionally causes unavoidable damage and Trauma to a random opponent unit and cancels their Fear, Fright and Horror. -Chase: Triggered with at least 20 Combo, causes damage to up to 4 units in the opponent's lineup and grants units hit an Extra Standard Attack. If the Valley of Hell Barrier has been activated in the round, this skill causes damage to up to 7 units in the opponent's field instead. -Passive 1: Whenever an opponent execute a Standard Attack, scales Chino's Ninjutsu by 15%, can be triggered 8 times per round. -Passive 2: Chino is immune to Debuffs. After she suffers the first 4 Standard Attack damage in a round, activates the Valley of Hell Barrier. Whenever the Valley of Hell Barrier is activated, additionally executes Ketsuryugan - Blood Dragon Ascension. -Ketsuryugan - Blood Dragon Ascension: Causes damage to up to 9 units in the opponent's field, cancels all Buffs, Shields and removes 60 Chakra. -New Debuff Trauma: Whenever units under this Debuff execute a Standard Attack, they lose 3% current HP. At the end of the round, for every Standard Attack executed that round, additionally lose 5% current HP (max of 25000). Lasts for 10 rounds, is Irremovable and neglects Immunity. -Barrier Valley of Hell: While this Barrier is active, opponent units will have their Standard Attack damage reduced by 90%. Lasts for 1 round.
2025-03-08 16:29:36
Serverwartung & Aktionen 05.12.2024
eine komplett neue 4 wöchige aktion nun mal was neues nach Jahren, aber auch nicht wirklich eine Verbesserung des Spiels. bei der arena muss es endlich so sein, dass wenn sich keiner findet, es halt nach mindestens 2 minuten dann halt gegen die eigene Teamaufstellung geht so wie es schon beim Tunier auch schon angepasst wurde aufgrund des erheblichen Spielermangels und um überhaupt die Inhalte zu erhalten können, damit efrolge abgecshlossen werdne können. Auch das Bindungsduell muss abgeändert werden so dass man generell nur noch solo mit 2 untercshiedlichen Teamaufstellungen kämpft und sobald sich kein gegner nach 2 minuten findet man dann halt gegen die eigene Aufstellung kämpft.
2024-12-04 20:15:04
Serverwartung & Aktionen 28.11.2024
was soll dieses verarasche mit den Wochenendaktionen erst neu dann wieder zurück und nun doch wieder neu. es gab deutliche feedbacks auf den DE-Spielservern dass die neuen Wochenendaktionen mehrheitlich abgelehnt werden, weil es zwar mehr coupons nun gibt aber der Erhalt dauerhaft dem unfairen Zufallsprinzip durchs Würfeln nun unterliegt und somit ein erhebliches unfaires Event mit zu erhaltenen Inhalten ist! zudem ist es dann auch nochmals Zufall wie hoch die coupons ausfallen im Coupon-paket. wer also Pech bei würfeln hat erhält 0 coupons am wochenende zuvor erhielt man jedoch fürs puzzle coupons. Jetzt muss man glück haben auf da scoupon feld zu kommen um dann 10, 20 30 50 70 oder 100 coupons von diesem coupon paket zu erhalten. selbiges ist mit dieser 3 mal 30 minute wartezeit mit der fukubelohnung welche auch wieder zufall sind. Solche aktioen die zur eine Aktivitätszeit aufzwingen um etwas zu erhalten sind in Europa aufgrund der gestezgebung seit 2019 generell verboten wurden. wenn die wochenendaktionen nun alle 14 tage rotieren würden und dies auch so verkündet würde, dann wäre es halb so wild aber die mehrheit der Spieler will weiterhin die alten Wochenendaktionen mit den Puzzeln und Gruppenmision- wochendbelohnungen behalten statt die neuen Aktion Würfelkönig und Fuku wochendbelohnung. Ich bitte mal endgültig um eine Stellungsnahme von seiten der admins, aber es ist ja bestens bekannt dass unsere deutschen admins von seiten Oasis games generell nur mangelhafte infos erhalten oder feedbacks die von unseren deutschen admins weiter gegeben werden generell von OASIS GAMES ignoriert werden bis es dann wieder gewaltig knallt.
2024-11-30 12:03:57
Ninjas und sonstiges was noch kommen wird (Update 06.03.2025)
Sasuke Uchiha (Sasuke Shinden) -Mystery 1: Causes unavoidable damage and Electrocution to all units in the opponent's lineup, causes Interruption to the selected unit. After this skill is executed, increase Sasuke's Trigger damage by 20% (stackable up to 100%) and his Mystery changes to Mystery 2. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Cooldown : 3 Chakra : 20 -Mystery 2: Causes unavoidable damage, Amaterasu Blaze to all units in the opponent's lineup and cancels their Perseverance, causes Interruption to the selected unit and locks that unit's Mystery Cooldown to 1 until the end of the next round. After this skill is executed, Sasuke's Mystery changes to Mystery 1. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Cooldown : 3 Chakra : 20 -Standard: Attacks a random opponent ninja, a chance of causing Knockdown and Static. If Sasuke's HP is not lower than 50%, his Standard Attack is enhanced. -Enhanced Standard: Attacks a random opponent ninja and causes Amaterasu Blaze, a chance of causing Knockdown and Static. This skill never misses. -Trigger: At the beginning of odd rounds, causes damage and Irremovable Ignition to up to 4 units in the lineup in front. At the beginning of even rounds, causes damage, Irremovable Ignition and Amaterasu Blaze to up to 4 units in the lineup in front. This skill never misses. -Passive 1: Whenever Sasuke suffers the first Trigger damage in a round, executes Genjutsu - Mangekyo Sharingan. Whenever Sasuke suffers Mystery damage, executes Genjutsu - Rinnegan, can be triggered 4 times each round. -Passive 2: Sasuke has Super Armor, is immune to Debuffs, can use 2 Mystery skills every other round and his first 2 Mystery damage received each round is reduced by 40%. While Sasuke is alive, the first 2 Pure Taijutsu damage your lineup receives every round is reduced by 50% and whenever they execute a Chase, scale Sasuke's Ninjutsu by 18% and Critical Rate by 7%. -Genjutsu - Mangekyo Sharingan: Causes unavoidable damage to the unit in front and up to 9 opponent units being selected by Sasuke's Mystery 1 and causes Disorder. -Genjutsu - Rinngean: Causes unavoidable damage to the unit in front and the most recent opponent unit selected by Sasuke's Mystery 1, causes Extreme Fear and increases their Mystery Cooldown by 1. -New Debuff Disorder: Whenever units under this Debuff causes a Critical Hit, that unit takes damage based on 10% max HP and has their Critical Rate shreded by 15% (stackable). Lasts until the end of the round, is Irremovable and neglects Immunity. -New Effect Extreme Fear: Units under this Effect cannot receives new Buffs and Shields and cannot execute Standard Attacks. At the end of the round, for every action the affected unit has executed in that round during the duration of this Debuff, they takes damage based on 5% current HP (max of 30000). Lasts for 1 round.
2025-03-08 16:29:36
Serverwartung & Aktionen 14.11.2024
schade das es keine Info über die jetzige wochenaktionen gibt und auch nicht darüber dass die wochenendaktionen nun wieder mit den Puzzle und gruppenmission-belohnungen nach nur einer Woche nun zurück sind.
2024-11-23 11:08:12
Ninjas und sonstiges was noch kommen wird (Update 06.03.2025)
Kakashi (sechster Ho-Kage) Mystery: Causes unavoidable damage to up to 7 units in the opponent's field. Every time this still is executed, increase its Chakra Cost by 10. If your lineup has at least 2 Kakashi Clones, this skill causes damage to 12 units instead and has 40% damage increase. Battlefield cooldown : 1 Mystery cooldown : 3 Chakra : 20 Standard: Attacks the unit in front, a chance of causing Earth damage instead, causes Knockdown and generates a Shield to himself based on 15% of Kakashi's HP. If your lineup has Kakashi Clone(s), his Standard Attack changes to Lightning Cutter. -Lightning Cutter: Attacks a random line of opponent units and cancels all Buffs and Shields. This skill never misses. -Chase: Triggered with at least 30 Combo, causes damage to a line of opponent units. This skill ignores a certain amount of Defense and Resistance. -Trigger: At the beginning of every round, causes Irremovable Blindness to up to 3 random opponent units and cancels all Paralysis Kakashi currently has. Passive: Kakashi is immune to Debuffs, has Lightning Clone Jutsu and Water Clone Jutsu. Whenever the opponent receives a Standard Attack, Kakashi also receives an Extra Standard Attack, can be triggered 4 times each round. -Lightning Clone Jutsu: After executing his Mystery, Kakashi summons a Lightning Clone with 50% HP and has Lightning Cutter. -Water Clone Jutsu: After executing his Trigger, Kakashi summons a Water Clone with 70% HP and has Trigger. Lightning Clone: Lightning Clone cannot be defeated by Mystery skills. Units causing damage to this Clone has a 50% chance to suffer from Irremovable Paralysis until the end of the round. While this unit is present in your lineup, Kakashi receives 50% less damage from the first 2 Mystery skills each round. For every Lightning Clone present in your lineup, whenever Kakashi causes damage, scales his Ninjutsu by 18% and whenever he suffers damage, reduces his Mystery Cooldown by 1. Water Clone: Water Clone cannot be defeated by Trigger skills and whenever it enters the field, recovers 20 Chakra. While this unit is present in your lineup, Kakashi receives 50% less damage from Trigger skills. For every Water Clone present in your lineup, whenever Kakashi causes damage, scales his Ninjutsu by 18% and whenever he suffers damage, reduces his Mystery Cooldown by 1.
2025-03-08 16:29:36
Serverwartung & Aktionen 14.11.2024
Sehr schade, dass die Mini-Puzzle weichen bzw entfernt wurden und nun durch ein neues Würfelspiel gewichen sind.. Es gibt zwar nun neue und etwas bessere Belohnungen durch die 3 unterschiedlichen Pakete mit deren Feldern und zufällige Belohnungen auf den normalen Feldern aber man muss dazu nun Glück beim Würfeln haben um überhaupt auf diese Felder zu kommen und dann ist es auch noch ZZufall wie hoch der Inhalt des Pakets ist den man erhält. Man hätte die Puzzle belassen sollen und das Würfelspiel noch hinzu fügen sollen/können, Sehr schade ist nun auch, dass die 3 Scriftrollen welche man bei 3 mal Wochennend-Gruppennmission erhielt nun nicht mehr gibt. Das man nun 3 mal nach jeweils 30 Minuten nun eine zufällige Belohnung von Fukurukomaru erhält, ist für mich eine Verschlechterung statt Verbesserung
2024-11-23 11:08:12
Ninjas und sonstiges was noch kommen wird (Update 06.03.2025)
klein Kurama im Spiel als vertauter Geist nebem dem Charakter sichtbar. über dem Avatar ein neuer Titel in bezug auf Kurama zudem sichtbar
2025-03-08 16:29:36
Ninjas und sonstiges was noch kommen wird (Update 06.03.2025)
maskierter Mann (Untergang der Uchiha) -Mystery: Causes unavoidable damage and Kamui Tag to all units in the opponent's lineup, causes Interruption to the selected unit. If the selected unit is an Uchiha unit, this skill has additional Critical Rate increase, additionally causes Shackles and executes Blade of The Crimson Night. Battlefield cooldown : 0 Cooldown : 3 Chakra : 20 -Blade of The Crimson Night: Attacks a random opponent unit suffering from Shackles, causes Knockdown and Irremovable Acupuncture until the end of the next round. Every time this skill is executed, increase Masked Man's damage caused by 15% (stackable up to 10 times). -Standard: Attacks a random line of opponent units, a chance of causing Low Float and Defense Shatter to a unit hit. This skill's damage neglects Shields. -Chase 1: Triggered with at least 20 Combo, causes damage and Laceration to up to 2 units in the opponent's lineup. After every time this skill is executed, increase the units hit by 1 (up to 7) and it becomes unavoidable when the units hit is 4 or more. -Chase 2: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down or Low Floated unit, causes Knockdown and steals their Standard Attack attempts, can be triggered twice each round. If the unit hit is suffering from Shackles, Masked Man recovers HP based on 20% of the damage dealt. -Passive: Masked Man causes 30% more damage to Uchiha units and has high chances to evade Chase attacks. Whenever he evades an attack, reduces his Mystery Cooldown by 1 and removes all Immobile and Acupuncture he currently has. Every time Masked Man causes Taijutsu damage, scales his Attack by 15%. -New Effect Shackles: Units suffering from this Effect will have their healings received reduced by 99% and their Atack suppressed to 100% of their base stat. Lasts for 1 round
2025-03-08 16:29:36
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